Vocabulary #3

Coherent: An argument; reasonable
Belabor: Argue or elaborate in excessive detail
Eschew: Abstain from; nothing to do with
Acquisitive: Interested in acquiring money; greedy
Emulate: Typically by imitation; copy
Banal: Lacking in originality to be obvious and boring; stereotyped
Excoriation: Harsh criticism
Congeal: To change from a fluid into a solid By cold temperatures; thicken
Carping: Difficult to please; critical
Substantiate: Provide evidence to support
Temporize: Avoid making a decision; procrastination
Largesse: Bestowing money or gifts upon others; generosity
Tenable: Defended against attack or objection; defensible
Insatiable: Immposible to satisfy; uncontrollable
Reconnaissance: Military observation of a region to locate an enemy; observation
Germane: Relevant to a subject under consideration; Relevant
Ramify: Technical; spread out
Intransigent: Refusing to change ones view; uncompromising
Taciturn: Reserved


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