Fahrenheit 451 Essay

The topic of the book “Fahrenheit 451” talks about how many peoples thoughts are being destroyed by many things that happened to them throughout the story and what’s being talked about throughout the whole book, it seems like all of the characters are being almost controlled by something which reminds me of why there are books being burned in the beginning that I think might be the characters feelings.
Throughout the book there is a lot of technology being used but it’s mostly being used on the citizens of that city especially their attitude and their emotions like when Montag (Protagonist) was with Mildred and then left her for Clarisse a lot changed for Montag especially bringing Clarisse into his life. Clarisse started to stab Montag on the back especially when Montag would read books with her, she didn’t feel comfortable when he would read, it wasn’t really her style with Montag.
While being with Mildred Montag he didn’t adapted all of the emotions and attitude and just being the way he is in the beginning of then book gives him a different type of vibe when he meets new people, Montag didn’t let Mildred hurt his feelings he definitely cares about himself and others when it comes to tough situations. It shows how much of such little persons can show their true heart when have been through such a tough time when they have been with other people and how they acted towards them or when something very serious happens in their own personal life.


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